1 minute read

Nextcloud 15 applies a stricter default content security policy (CSP) which requires special treatment for JavaScript frameworks and libraries that use unsafe-eval. In this post I’d like to give a quick overview of what developers might have to change in their apps in order to use Vue for their apps.

Webpack Devtool

Some Webpack Devtools generate source mappings via the eval function. Therefore an option must be chosen that works without it. The Webpack Documentation has a nice comparison table of available devtools.

Dynamic Webpack Module Loading

In order to load scripts dynamically, their <script> tags must have a nonce attribute. When Webpack loads modules dynamically, it can add that attribute for you if you specify

__webpack_nonce__ = btoa(OC.requestToken)

in your entry script (e.g. main.js).

Vue Compiler vs. Vue Runtime

Vue templates can be compiled in the browser or pre-compiled in a build step. In order to comply the strict CSP, you need to pre-compile all templates into template functions in your build step. This will happen automatically if you use Webpack and the vue-loader plugin.

Don’t fall into the trap of instantiating Vue components like this if you want to mount a single component to a DOM element:

new Vue({
	el: '#mount-point',
	template: '<MyComponent/>',
	components: {

Since this snippet also uses a dynamic template, meaning the Vue render function has to be evaluated in the browser, it will be blocked by the CSP.

I’ve found the following snippet to be a good replacement:

const View = Vue.extend(MyComponent)
new View().$mount('#mount-point')

Removing the Vue Compiler

As documented in the Vue docs, you don’t need to ship the Vue compiler if templates are pre-compiled anyway. Since pre-compiled render functions are the only way to use Vue with the strict CSP, you can safely move to a runtime-only environment and shave off a few KBs from your app’s js bundle.

See the Vue docs for more info.


Vue and Nextcloud’s strict CSP work well together if you slightly change your configuration. Once applied, Vue builds work very well for both development and production environments.

You can find more info about the CSP changes in Nextcloud 15 on Roeland’s blog.